Saturday, August 22, 2015

Fallout Shelter Glitch Makes Your Home the Target of an Unmanned Drone Strike

Fallout Shelter continues to look like a lukewarm port to Android from iOS, with yet another glitch marring its release. This time, however, instead of corrupting the game that you spent dozens of hours and maybe even real money on when your phone shuts off while playing with no chance of accessing your data again, your home or place of residence will become the target of an air strike from the United States Government if the screen auto-rotates during gameplay. 
Blogger Tricks

Monday, September 1, 2014

PAX Prime's "Free Shower" Booth Deemed A Failure By Event Organizers

PAX Prime’s free shower booth has been declared a failure and a general waste of money, convention organizers confirmed to sources Sunday. This was the latest in a series of attempts by the yearly convention to give their attendees a free shot a nice hot shower and some soap before wandering the halls spreading their wall of funk and vomit-inducing smells.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

GameSpot Hit With Layoffs, Insufficient Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Coverage Thought To Blame

CBS interactive-owned GameSpot has been hit with massive layoffs in what is being described as an “internal shifting of resources.” While GameSpot insiders themelves claim the layoffs are mostly a result of readers overusing AdBlock and preventing the free-to-use website from generating a large majority of it’s revenue, industry analysts are blaming the site's gross lack of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood coverage for the shift.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Kickstarter Simulator Tycoon Lets You Become The Con Artist You Always Dreamed Of

Indie developer team Grappledoodler Games has announced a new Kickstarter campaign to fund their upcoming game Kickstarter Simulator Tycoon. The empire building and criminal mastermind simulator will give players the ability to finally be the con artist they have always dreamed and will be completed once developers reach their modest funding goal of $950,000.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Jury Still Out On Whether Or Not Building A Giant Tower Out Of $97M Worth Of PlayStation 4s Was A Good Move By Nintendo

Following reports of massive first quarter losses, video game journalists and bloggers worldwide are beginning to second guess Nintendo's decision to purchase $97 million worth of Sony PlayStation 4s and build a 4,041 foot tall tower out of them, sources confirmed Thursday. Currently the 242,500 PS4s are stacked neatly outside of Nintendo’s Tokyo headquarters, casting a shadow over the complex and reminding the entire team that the enemy is always lurking and they must never stop innovating.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Local Wii U Owner Still Waiting For Destiny Beta Code, Friends Don't Have The Heart To Tell Him The Truth

Thinking the Wii U’s beta of Destiny has just been “temporarily delayed”, twenty-six-year-old Lewis Green has been patiently waiting for his beta code to arrive in his email for weeks. The lifetime Nintendo fan swore that he saw the Wii U logo at the bottom of the trailer during E3 2013 and his small group of friends haven’t had the heart to tell him the truth since.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Mario Kart 8 Lobby Chat Options Will Soon Include Curated Comments

As part of their initiative to further embrace competitive gaming using their licensed properties Nintendo has announced that Mario Kart 8 will be receiving expanded chat options in pre-race lobbies. Up to this point chats have been limited to family-friendly phrases such as “That was close!” and “Not fair!” to give players a quick opportunity to express their feelings of the last race and politely smack talk their opponents in a way that would not offend the eyes of any children playing the popular game. With this new update Nintendo claims you will be able to get across a multitude of new feelings such as the homosexual levels of your competitors as well as the implied whorish activities of their mothers.